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Page Mapping

Page mapping is an advanced flash management technology used in solid-state drives (SSDs) to optimize data storage and improve overall performance. It is an essential part of the SSD firmware and plays a critical role in determining the SSD’s performance and lifespan.

How Page Mapping Works:

Data Collection and Distribution: Page mapping involves collecting data from the host system and automatically distributing it into flash memory pages. These pages are typically organized into small units called blocks.

Even Write Distribution: Once the data is collected and distributed into pages, the page mapping system schedules the data to be evenly written across the flash memory. This ensures that no specific memory cells are subjected to excessive writes, which can lead to uneven wear and early failure of the SSD.

Optimization for Read and Write Operations: By strategically organizing data within pages and blocks, page mapping optimizes read and write operations. It reduces write amplification, which is a phenomenon where multiple physical write operations are needed to perform a single logical write, thus extending the SSD’s lifespan and improving performance.

Handling Small and Random Data Writes: Page mapping is particularly useful in managing small and random data writes, which are common in various applications. It groups such data together in an efficient manner to optimize read and write performance, overcoming the limitations of traditional block-based mapping techniques.

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